Aloha Carsten,

I've had a chance to look at your first draft of beamer support. You've done a terrific job. So much of the draft is right that it helps to focus thoughts on the parts that are candidates for discussion and possible change.

Along those lines, I don't think using headlines for \begin{columns} ... \end{columns} works very well. I think headlines should be reserved for sectioning, frames, elements of frames (blocks and friends), and notes. Once a headline level has been designated for frames (n), then headline n+1 becomes an element of the frame, and headline n+2 becomes notes for the frame (following Daniel Martins' lead).

To my mind, columns are attributes of a frame, so they might better be handled as a property of the frame. Frame elements are specifically assigned to a column, or not, using a property.

Roughly, this would yield the following syntax, which ought to export fairly cleanly with the HTML and LaTeX exporters.


* Section 1
** Frame 1
        :FRAME_COLS: 2
*** Element 1   :block:
        :IN_COL: 1
        - Item 1
        - Item 2
**** Notes about Element 1 block
        - Keyed to Item 1
        - Keyed to Item 2
*** Element 2   :block:
        :IN_COL: 2
        - Item 3
        - Item 4
*** Element 3
This element spans two columns. The headline doesn't appear on the slide. *** Element 4 (headline doesn't appear on the slide because not a block or friend)
        :IN_COL: 1
        - Item 5
        - Item 6
** Frame 2
 *** Element 1
        - Item 1
        - Item 2
  **** Notes
        - Note for item 1
        - Note for item 2

Thanks again for drafting what should be a very useful addition to the already insanely useful org-mode.


On Dec 10, 2009, at 10:05 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:

Hi everyone,

the current state of affairs in beamer support is now in
the master branch of the git repo.

My little draft documentation is now at

But it is really limited and I am hoping very much that someone
will turn this into something useful!

- Carsten

On Dec 11, 2009, at 12:49 AM, Mark Elston wrote:

Nick Dokos wrote:
IIUC, another way to go (possibly much simpler than org-babel[1]) is to use
selective export:
   #+EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS:   Tags that select a tree for export
   #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS:  Tags that exclude a tree from export
Mark the handout and notes sections with different tags and export
the document twice, once with the handout tag selected and once
with the notes tag selected.

This sounds like it would work as well, though it probably results
in a very different org-file organization to make it work.  I will
have to play around with the various options to see what works best
for me.


[1] NB: org-babel is another area that I know very little about, but
hope to learn more about during vacation (although by this time, the
todo list for vacation has expanded sufficiently to occupy several

Hah!  I know exactly what you mean...


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- Carsten

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