Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> writes:

> Hi Eric,
> "Eric Schulte" wrote:
>> Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> writes:


>>> - *after* =C-c '= forth and back, all the blank lines in my source block (in
>>>   my example, the one between "SET NOCOUNT ON" and "SELECT TOP 10") are 
>>> filled
>>>   with an amount of whitespaces (and, in my Emacs config, highlighted as
>>>   useless spaces).
>>> - the condition block is not indented properly in the tangled output file;
>>>   only the first line is:
>> Maybe the above two issues could be fixed by setting the
>> `org-src-preserve-indentation' variable's value to t. Since I only need this
>> in some org-mode buffers I set it as a buffer local variable by placing a
>> line like the following at the top of these buffers.
>> # -*- org-src-preserve-indentation: t -*-
>> again this should/will be in the documentation somewhere...
> That's not it (already tried before posting). That variable, when set, makes
> Org removes the minimum common number of whitespaces.
> That does not fix the problem of useless whitespaces in blank lines, and has
> no impact on the indentation of tangled blocks:

Hi Seb,

I misunderstood your indentation issue earlier.  Currently I don't think
we support indentation to the level of the noweb reference in the
original source-code block.  At first glance that does however seem to
be a better default behavior.  I'll look into this.  As a work-around
you may want to try the attached version of your file

Attachment: seb.org
Description: Binary data

which results in this following sql file

Attachment: CP111.sql
Description: Binary data

Best -- Eric
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