Hi Ulf,

I have added your symbols.

Nick, are you still thinking about documenting package
dependencies for LaTeX export? This would be one.

- Carsten

On Dec 3, 2009, at 4:42 PM, Ulf Stegemann wrote:

Hi Carsten,

Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Dec 2, 2009, at 8:38 AM, Ulf Stegemann wrote:

is there anything that speaks against adding


("EUR" . "&euro;")


to `org-html-entities'? \EUR{} is provided by the Marvosym package and
&euro; a valid (X)HTML representation of the euro sign. Maybe ever
better would be to add

I would like to minimize external dependencies.

well, that's something that speaks against it :)

Which distributions carry this package?

Marvosym comes with my TeX Live LaTeX distro and used to come with teTeX
AFAIR. I had the impression the package was rather widely used but I
maybe wrong.

("EURdig" . "&euro;")
("EURhv" . "&euro;")
("EURcr" . "&euro;")
("EURtm" . "&euro;")

I do not understand the purpose of these extra symbols, and why
they are all equal in HTML????

While \EUR becomes the `official' euro symbol, \EURdig is a variant of
that with the same width as digits, \EURhv is a euro symbol that fits to Helvetica, \EURcr dto. to Courier and \EURtm dto. to Times. This makes a
difference in LaTeX but is all the same in HTML: &euro;.

Anyway, adding those symbols is not strictly necessary since everybody
can use the eurosym package (where \euro{} command comes from). I like
the Marvosym package better but I can also stick to what I currently do:

#+LATEX_HEADER: \newcommand{\euro}{\EUR}


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