On 12/15/2009 1:57 PM, Nicolas Girard wrote:
2009/12/14 Carsten Dominik<carsten.domi...@gmail.com>:
On Dec 10, 2009, at 11:34 PM, Nicolas Girard wrote:
That said, I'm using the free Inconsolata [*] font as my main font in
emacs, which offers a rich collection of various geometric shapes&
symbols. So, at no extra cost, I can enhance the aspect of my Org
Attached is a little example to demonstrate what can be done. To get
this result:
1. I had to redefine org-agenda-format-date-aligned so that I can
replace the hardcoded lines surrounding dates with better looking ones
2. I used the "Watch" unicode character to represent scheduled events:
(setq org-agenda-scheduled-leaders '("⌚ " "⌚ "))
3. I replaced the hardcoded '[' character denoting inactive timestamps
with a white triangle
Your screenshot looks really nice. I'm wondering, what OS are you
using? I treid to use inconsolata in emacs under windoze XP, but the
font looks terrible, no matter if I activate clear type or not.
How did you set emacs up to use inconsolata?
See ? Who said Org couldn't be sexier ?
[*] http://www.levien.com/type/myfonts/inconsolata.html
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