I think I will just disable the \n option for LaTeX export.


- Carsten

On Dec 9, 2009, at 4:30 PM, andrea wrote:

Nick Dokos <nicholas.do...@hp.com> writes:

[This is OT for this list - comp.text.tex is a better venue. Otoh, the
reference might be useful to some people here - but unless org-mode
content can be added, let's make this the end of the thread. Thanks.]

Yes I'm sorry it was OT, I thought that the problem was the org-mode
translation to latex but it wasn't of course.

But I anyway found out that exporting to pdf with \n:t is really a bad
It doesn't only mess up with the indentation, using \left and \right it
becomes a mess.

Maybe it would be better to disable it completely or put a very big
warning (I don't see it written in the manual).

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- Carsten

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