Some type of git integration here would be nice.  I like the idea of
eliminating most todo state changes, because then there isn't an issue
with ellipses on empty headilnes..  I.e.  no need to cycle to see if a
headline is empty because it only contains a logbook drawer.

Of course, you will still need semi-manual interaction to track a
headline that changes and has a todo state change in the same commit.

On 2009-12-02, Jason Dunsmore <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I used to use state change logging (configured with "!" in
> org-todo-keywords), but I didn't like the way it cluttered my org files
> and I rarely referred to the logged times.
> As an alternative, I found the git-blame utility to be useful for
> finding out stuck projects and tasks in my Org files.  For example, the
> following command will sort each line in an org file by the date it was
> committed:
> git blame|cut -c29-|cut -c 20-25 --complement|sort -n|less -S
> I made a couple of bash functions based on this:
> function org_history () {
>     git blame $1|cut -c29-|cut -c 20-25 --complement|sort -n|less -S
> }
> # Limit the output to Org headlines
> function org_history_headings () {
>     git blame $1|grep ') \*'|cut -c29-|cut -c 20-25 --complement|sort
> -n|less -S
> }
> But I still have to go back and forth between the git-blame output and
> Org.
> It'd be nice if I could view and edit the git-blame output in org-mode,
> group the sort by a certain level heading, cycle body visibility, etc...
> I'm not sure how difficult that would be to implement.  Does this sound
> like a reasonable feature request?
> Regards,
> Jason
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Q: How many CDC "scientists" does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: You only think it's dark. [CDC has denied ME/CFS for 25 years]

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