Final summary on emacs with orgmode on the G1: I added a few hints to
Friedel schrieb: > Emacs runs nicely, but uses a lot of memory with org mode, and it's > hard to use the agenda and probably difficult to make it run much > faster. The way I installed debian caused the swapping via "compcache" to be disabled, which I remedied by now (see wiki page above). That helps with some problems with memory consumption, but doesn't really make things faster (I have a slow SD card, I think I will order a faster one soon). I didn't manage to get below 9 seconds for changing from one day to the next in the agenda, even though I moved out most of my reference material (and that way I have a more pure GTD-setup in my org-files now). > Thus I'll only be using the local emacs on my android phone as a > fallback when I have no (fast) network access, otherwise I'll use it > via ssh on a much faster host. This is still valid. > > As using this via the small keyboard is still awkward, even with speed > > keys (let's face it: emacs just wasn't made for small keyboards), and > > because it's still going to be slow, even if I can optimize it a bit, > > I guess I'll still be going forward with my plans for integrating > > org-mode with Remember The Milk. > > As a sideeffect of this experiment, I have my org mode set up in a way > that is much more convenient to use on a small keyboard, that way I > can use it via ssh (connectbot) quite comfortably now. (speed commands > and tag selection keys are especially handy) ---Zitatende--- And so is this. I have a remote host on which I use emacs + org mostly from the phone, so I have my @G1 and @Network context on that box and use speed commands, fast tag selection and context based auto exclusion to get the right context. So if I have to wait for a delayed train again, I can just pull up my shopping lists ;) The debian installation remains on my sd card, since it's nice to have the familiar tools with me in a pinch. I guess android based smartphones will be much faster a few years from now, if they still exist, and then maybe this setup will be more frequently used. -- Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs <> TauPan on Ircnet and Freenode ;)
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