
Sorry I have to clarify this a bit:

Raffi R schrieb:
> What sort of phone do you use? I am looking for a new phone and would
> like to use ogmode, of course.

> On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 9:35 AM, Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs
> <frie...@nomaden.org> wrote:
> > Trying out speedkeys and liking them, I guess I'm going to have a
> > simple life using org from my phone from now on ;)

Note that I wrote "from my phone" not "on my phone". I use a T-Mobile
G1 (HTC Dream) which has a very excellent ssh client called connectbot
(http://code.google.com/p/connectbot/ it's free software, too) and I
use org-mode via ssh and emacsclient -t on a remote system.

To say that I use it is saying a bit much, since I've only used it so
far to look things up, since editing used to be very inconvenient,
because having to type typical emacs control sequences is really
tough on the small keyboard.

That's why I think the speedkeys are going to help me quite a lot, but
I didn't really give it a go yet.

Btw. it's great that I posted my speed key setup on this mailing list,
not only for the great input I received: Due to some inexplicable
screwup with my emacs config and git over 3 machines, I lost my
configuration changes.

(I think my dirty hack to split customisation files has destroyed the
speed key config, so it's most likely not emacs' or org-modes's

But now I can just easily recreate it from the
posts ;)

Good evening
        Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs <frie...@nomaden.org>
                             TauPan on Ircnet and Freenode ;)

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