On Nov 19, 2009, at 3:45 PM, Rainer Stengele wrote:

I get:

C-a runs the command mark-whole-buffer, which is an interactive
compiled Lisp function in `simple.el'.

It is bound to C-a, C-x h, <menu-bar> <edit> <mark-whole-buffer>.


Put point at beginning and mark at end of buffer.
You probably should not use this function in Lisp programs;
it is usually a mistake for a Lisp function to use any subroutine
that uses or sets the mark.

I can't seem to find the beast. I already switched off cua mode.
How can I find where this setting is done?

Hi Rainer

clear out your .emacs file and add stuff back in until the
problem appears.  If your .emacs file is big, do the
adding/removing in a bisecting way.  If it gets frustrating, see
it as an opportunity toe clean up this file :-)


- Carsten


Carsten Dominik schrieb:

On Nov 18, 2009, at 5:30 PM, Rainer Stengele wrote:

I have

Org Special Ctrl A/E: Hide Value Value Menu reversed: true line
boundary first

Emacs still marks the whole buffer with C-a instead of setting point
to begin of line.

What does `C-h k C-a' give you?

I guess the culprit must be something like pc-select or cua-mode
or similar, because C-a on windows is supposed to select the buffer.

- Carsten

C-e works as expected.
Where is emacs overriding my C-a setting? I can't find it.


Org-mode version 6.33trans
GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2009-10-14 on
LENNART-69DE564 (patched)

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