On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Steve Brown <steve.stevebr...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I have a small problem in that when I org-mobile-push for each file in
> org-agenda-files a new Emacs frame opens.
> Otherwise everything else works just fine.
> I'm running:
> Org-mode version 6.33c
> under
> GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)
> At this point I need to mention that I am no Emacs wizard. It has taken a
> while for me to get mobile-org etc. to sync correctly. My elisp-fu is
> minimal - I rely on cut and paste mostly to get anything done, so please
> keep answers simple ;-)
> Having said that I am very willing to dig in to this to find the problem as
> I enjoy learning where my mistakes come from.
> If someone can give me a pointer or two I would be very grateful.

That does seem odd.  Could you maybe do a M-x org-submit-bug-report, and if
you aren't doing email in Emacs, copy and paste the output (with your
org-mode configuration, it will prompt you to include it) into an email to

I'm running Emacs 23 on Windows, and using MobileOrg, and I haven't seen
that problem.  But we might have a start on it if you could send along your
configuration and customizations per the above.

This one seems strange enough that maybe it might even be worthwhile to send
along the .emacs file, just in case (properly sanitized for personal info,
of course).
Charles Sebold
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