Hello Worgers and all friends of Org-mode!

>From Wednesday the 9nth to Saturday  the 12th of June the 10nth LinuxTag
takes place in the fairground of Berlin, Germany [1].

As every  year, it  will be possible  for free  projects to get  a booth
without  cost. Not  a  big one,  but  enough to  present  Org-mode in  a
suitable environment. As a side effect, we could meet each other face to
face and share  some thoughts. As Berlin is one  of the liveliest Cities
on this planet, I am sure we will have good time seeing each other.

                  *** BEFORE APPLYING FOR A BOOTH ***

  we want to make sure, that it will not be a one or two man show.

If we apply for a booth, we have to keep it running for 4 days, 12 hours
          a day - more than a working week (in this country).

To have fun (that's what I want  to have), I feel we should always be at
least 4 people at a time on the stand, better 5 or more. The more people
we are, the  less it will feel like work, the  more breaks everyone will
             have and the better we will present Org-mode.

    As most of use do not live in Berlin or near by, we need to


Sure  we will need  some kind  of program  and content,  which is  to be
discussed later  on this mailing list and  orgmode.org/worg. The program
must be ready by then: Presentations, Videos, automated Demos, stuff for
visitors to try  out (think of Org-mobil - many  visitors will use smart
phones), handouts and so on. Some of this will depend on facts we do not
know yet, like size of the booth. I'd guess it's quite small - about 4x4
meters  or something.   We wont  have too  much space  and  visitors are
constantly changing,  so a good  two hour program  (partially automated,
e.g. videos)  will be enough.  More is fine.  I'm sure we  could provide
some interesting stuff there.

I will take care for the organizational stuff (maybe with someone else),
like bookings, transfer station/airport/hotel/fair, installations and so

I  added a  directory `linuxtag/'  to orgmode.org/worg/.  This directory
will  contain  all  relevant  information around  Org-mode  on  LinuxTag
2010. I started  the list of volunteers there  [2]. Worgers add yourself
there, please. If  you're not a worger, please drop us  mail here on the
list or privately  and we will add  you there. If you send  us a private
mail, we will not publish your email address.

Please don't forget to  tell us how you would like to  help, and, if can
manage to come  to Berlin, when you  plan to help on the  stand. See [2]
for more. There's no need to stay for the entire 4 days.

OK then Worgers, make it happen! 


== Footnotes:

[1] http://wiki.linuxtag.org/w/fp:FAQ
[2] http://orgmode.org/linuxtag/linuxtag.php#volunteers

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