This does not sound crazy at all and there is another thread
discussing this ([Orgmode] Best way to implement Keywords feature).  I
suggested something similar: storing some tags in a property that can
still be used for searching but without polluting the agenda. The user
would be able to see these tags in the mini-buffer when pressing "T"
in the agenda. However, this was just a suggestion (there are others)
and I don't know how is the status of this matter.

- Darlan

At Wed, 11 Nov 2009 10:53:44 -0600,
Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <> wrote:
> [1  <multipart/alternative (7bit)>]
> [1.1  <text/plain; ISO-8859-1 (7bit)>]
> Hello,
> This might sound crazy, but sometimes I want to tag everything (easy to
> recall the piece of data related to something when it comes to my mind) --
> however, there are items on some specific org files that I don't want to
> pollute visually with all the tags at the right column, so, I wonder if it
> is possible to setup tags to be saved in another part, like the :PROPERTIES:
> section of an item.
> Thanks,
> Marcelo.
> [1.2  <text/html; ISO-8859-1 (quoted-printable)>]
> [2  <text/plain; us-ascii (7bit)>]
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