Aloha all,

The new expanded noweb syntax in org-babel is sensitive to line breaks. It looks to me as if it isn't possible to expand two noweb references on the same line. As the following example shows, there is a workaround that yields valid LaTeX source. Insensitivity to line breaks seems more intuitive to me, but I can live with the workaround if this is a feature and not a bug.

--------------------------- org file ---------------------------------
* test

#+begin_src latex :tangle gobble
  This is tangled <<a()>>, and not this <<b()>>, but so this is.
  This is tangled <<a()>>,
  and so is this <<b()>>.

** Python code

#+srcname: a
#+begin_src python

#+resname: a
: 1

#+srcname: b
#+begin_src python

#+resname: b
: 2

-------------------------- gobble.tex ---------------------------

% generated by org-babel-tangle

% [[file:~/Public/projects/903_adzes/org-babel/*test] [block-1]]
This is tangled 1, but so this is.
This is tangled 1,
and so is this 2.
% block-1 ends here

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye, Ph.D.
T. S. Dye & Colleagues, Archaeologists, Inc.
Phone: (808) 529-0866 Fax: (808) 529-0884

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