Peter Frings <> writes:

> On 30 Oct 2009, at 10:54, Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs wrote:
>> Carsten Dominik schrieb:
>>> The main reason is that I think there should be a single default key
>>> for archiving, and that the user sets a variable to decide what the
>>> default archiving method should be.  I would like this key to be
>>> C- 
>>> c C-a' which
>>> is why the org-attach key would have to move as well.
> [snip]
>>> In the agenda
>>> a            archive with org-archive-default-command
>> If that hit me by surprise there would be some cussing involved, I
>> guess. What's the planned default for org-archive-default-command? If
>> I get a fair warning I'd set it to org-toggle-archive-tag.
> I kind of agree that one-letter commands should be `safe': they should
> not do anything that cannot be easily undone; it's just too easy to
> hit them by accident. If it cannot be undone, I prefer the C-x ... key
> sequence, or have the `a' prompt for something.

That's my initial reaction too.  I archive using C-c C-x C-s but I bind
it to a macro.  I archive once a month in 'bunches' so I find a subtree
to archive, then do C-x ( C-c C-x C-e (once) then C-x e e e e ... to do
my archiving for a sequential set of subtrees.

I can see hitting 'a' by accident would archive stuff when I don't
intend to.  Maybe if there was a configurable question to verify you
want to archive then that would mitigate this potential problem.  We
would need the ability to toggle this safety question on and off.


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