On Oct 20, 2009, at 4:17 PM, Eric S Fraga wrote:

At Thu, 15 Oct 2009 07:52:38 +0100,
Eric S Fraga wrote:


I wonder whether I could request a small feature addition in org-mode
(or have a pointer to already implemented functionality, of course

Using the agenda view with follow mode is fantastic for complex agenda
views.  What I find, however, is that I miss having a scroll other
window as implemented in many other "2 window" interfaces in Emacs

Further on this.  When follow mode is active, the
"delete-other-windows" function doesn't really delete all other
windows when point is on an item in the agenda view.  Well, it does
*but8 the "follow" item is automatically re-displayed.  I wonder if it
would be possible to have the follow more action only take place after
motion in the agenda view?  This would solve my other problem (mapping
the space-bar to scroll-other-window).

This is a very good idea, I have been bothered by this often.

- Carsten


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- Carsten

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