andrea Crotti <> wrote:

> Is there a very quick way to copy some text from an emacs buffer
> taking away the indentation?  org-export-as-ascii creates a new file,
> I only need in the ring (and in osx buffer) the text copied.  I can
> copy to another buffer than do a *kill-rectangle* on it but it's quite
> a long procedure..

I'm not sure I understand what you want - it's also not clear to me
whether this has anything to do with org-mode, but here goes:

o Forget about copying to another buffer: kill the rectangle in the
original buffer and then undo.


o Mark the region, do C-0 C-M-\ to take away the indentation, M-w to
copy it to the kill ring, then undo to restore the indentation.

Does this help?


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