On Aug 24, 2009, at 4:04 PM, Daniel Clemente wrote:

El dg, ago 23 2009 a les 20:45, Richard Lewis va escriure:

This is sort of a bug query. Occasionally, I accidentally hold down
the LEFT cursor key in Agenda mode, hoping to move the cursor left,
but forgetting that it actually moves to next week.

I use org-agenda-clockreport-mode and then I see a table in the agenda. Sometimes I accidentally change day after pressing left/ right because I wanted to move to the cell to the left/right. I should use Tab, but it doesn't work.

This is not a editable table, which is why TAB does not work.

I would say that it doesn't make sense to change day when the cursor is over a clock report table in the agenda. But each person may see this differently.

Yes, you might want to do the same customization as Manuel
describes earlier in this thread.


- Carsten

-- Daniel

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