Dear Thomas,

> I've been working on a small package that makes it easier to setup RSS
> feeds for org-publish projects.  My package, org-publish-rss.el is a
> small RSS generator that uses your `org-publish-project-alist' settings
> to generate the feed.  This removes the need to create an Org sitemap
> then export that to RSS using ox-rss.

thank you for sharing your package! This could not have come at a better
time for me, as I was going to go over my blog's RSS export anyway:
Sacha recently made me aware of the invalid XML that my current export
produces 😬

So I gave your package a go, and long story short: the XML validates! *yay*

The code in my publish routine also got cut by a few functions, so this
is very nice! I will test this a little bit more, but I think I will
make the switch and use your package in the future :)

One thing to mention is that I noticed that the resulting XML went from
260kB to 415kB in size. I think that is due to the CSS info being
included in each and every entry, but I am not quite sure. I think that
could be simplified by messing with the export parameters -- will have
to take a look at that at some point.

I have a few notes and suggestions for code changes, as I had to make a
couple of modifications to make your package work with my publishing
script. I'll write you a separate mail to take further discussion off-list.

Best wishes,


Hanno Perrey

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