> On my machine, my default shell is fish, so it falls back to sh-mode too. When > bash-ts-mode is enabled, it does an extra check to see if the file is actually > bash, if it can't be sure, it falls back to sh-mode. See > sh--redirect-bash-ts-mode. > > If you enable bash-ts-mode in a file that ends with “.sh”, it should > stay in bash-ts-mode.
This is the explanation i've got. I used this code to fix the issue: ``` (defun my-sh--guess-shell () "/bin/bash") (advice-add 'sh--guess-shell :override #'my-sh--guess-shell) ``` So the report can be closed now, i guess. > the_wurfkreuz the_wurfkr...@proton.me writes: > > > It installs emacs 30, and i get the same thing. I've noticed that > > bash-ts-mode doesn't want to be activated in general without a > > shebang, it falls back to the shell mode giving the same message about > > using zsh indentation. Maybe this is somehow related to the problem? > > > Most likely. > Org mode, by default, simply tries to run (<lang>-mode) to get > > indentation/fontification/etc. If running bash-ts-mode yields "zsh" > message, it has nothing to do with Org mode. > > I suggest reaching out to Emacs bug tracker. (M-x report-emacs-bug) > > -- > Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, > Org mode maintainer, > Learn more about Org mode at https://orgmode.org/. > > Support Org development at https://liberapay.com/org-mode, > > or support my work at https://liberapay.com/yantar92