> Currently, `org-add-note' ordering is controlled by
> `org-log-states-order-reversed'.
> I am afraid that changing the current status quo may create confusion.
> We might introduce a new variable `org-log-note-order-reversed' just for
> interactive notes. WDYT?

So for the record, this is the current state of things:

| Action  | How to reverse filing order          |
| Refile  | org-reverse-note-order               |
| Capture | :prepend key in org-capture template |
| Note    | org-log-states-order-reversed        |
| Archive | ???                                  |

You can see the confusion here: `org-reverse-note-order' does not apply
to `org-add-note', and there is no consistency in the configuration for
reversing various filings.  I don't know how to reverse the filing order
for archiving (assuming you don't use datetree archiving.)

I think we can leave these methods untouched for compatibility but
introduce some consistent aliases?

| Action  | How to reverse filing order   |
| Refile  | Introduce org-refile-prepend  |
| Capture | Introduce org-capture-prepend |
| Note    | Introduce org-note-prepend    |
| Archive | ???                           |

Any consistent set of names should be fine, so perhaps
`org-refile-order', or `org-refile-reverse', and so on.
`org-capture-prepend' would be new functionality since there is no way
to reverse the default capturing order as far as I know.


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