Ryan Prior via "General discussions about Org-mode."
<emacs-orgmode@gnu.org> writes:

> Lately I've noticed more applications supporting a method of creating a link 
> by pasting a URL. The flow works like this:
> 1. write some text
> 2. select the text you want to linkify
> 3. paste a URL to turn the selected text into a named link
> This feature is supported many places (including Matrix, Zulip, GitLab, and 
> many others) and I've found it to be convenient. To that end, I've created a 
> proof of concept package called yank-dwim[1] that implements a 
> yank-dwim-org[2] command, which when used as a replacement for yank in 
> org-yank-generic, produces the effect I'm looking for.
> What do you think about adding this capability to org-mode? Since many 
> plain-text writing interfaces are offering it, I'm sure other users will 
> appreciate if Emacs does the same.

That looks like a good optional addition.

> If you're open to a patch, how do you like my implementation in the linked 
> package? I'm happy to take a different approach if you prefer something else.
> ...
> [2] https://github.com/ryanprior/yank-dwim/blob/main/yank-dwim.el#L85

I think that the most canonical approach to implement this would be via
`yank-transform-functions' and setting 'yank-handler text property (see
33.8.3 Yanking section of Elisp manual).

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
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