Zoey Hewll <zoeyhe...@gmail.com> writes: > * Motivation > The prevailing date format where I live is D/M/Y, often abbreviated to > D/M. While I prefer Y-M-D as a persistent storage format, I naturally > default to D/M and prefer it for data entry. Especially when entering > recent dates (with =org-read-date-prefer-future= set to nil), which > usually do not require the year component and therefore the unambiguous > ISO 8601 format (Y-M-D) is slower to input in full, and does not match > the locally conventional order (D/M) when abbreviated (M-D). > > * Proposal > The =org-read-date= function understands slash-separated dates in the > "american" format (M/D/Y and M/D). This code could be modified so that > the parsing of slash-separated dates depends on user preference, by > introducing a configuration variable like =calendar-date-style=, which > I'm tentatively naming =org-read-date-style=. Like > =calendar-date-style=, this would change the parsing of slash-separated > dates by =org-read-date=, but it would not change the order of arguments > passed to date-processing functions. > > It would support at least =american= (M/D and M/D/Y) and =european= (D/M > and D/M/Y) options.
I do not mind such an addition. > * Alternatives and Extensions > - =org-read-date= could simply read the value of =calendar-date-style= > rather than introducing a new configuration item. I propose a new item > because of the well-documented pitfalls of =calendar-date-style=. Maybe we can default `org-read-date-style' to the value of `calendar-date-style'. > - There could be an option to entirely forbid dates in slash-separated > formats, if the user wishes to avoid the possibility of this kind of > misinterpretation. I have not proposed this as I have no use for it. This sounds excessive. If user does not want to use /, just do not type it. > ... side-note: I > have not attached a patch as I am yet to complete the copyright > assignment, but I thought the feature was worthwhile to request regardless.) If you need any help with the copyright assignment process, please let me know. -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode maintainer, Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>. Support Org development at <https://liberapay.com/org-mode>, or support my work at <https://liberapay.com/yantar92>