References: <>
User-Agent: mu4e 1.12.8; emacs 30.1
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 21:38:00 +0100
* [2025-03-09 15:12 +0800] Lei Zhe <>:

Hello Lei,

> It'll make the tangle system more flexible, and I would be glad to
> see it included in the next release.

I would be glad too.

> I wanted to check in to see if you’re still planning to complete the
> patch. If not, I am more than happy to take over and finish it.

Yes, please, do. I don't think I will, I don't intend to at the moment.
Sorry for this late answer. I don't have enough time to properly follow
the list these days (there should only be a little left to provide the
patch to ob-sql in the next weeks, as I'm using it again).

> This patch is the first step in resolving the feature for tangling
> source blocks to multiple targets.
> I would appreciate any feedback.

I'll add to Ihor answer that writing a new test suite
(test-ob-n-tangle.el) would be useful.


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