On Fri, Mar 07 2025, alain.coch...@unistra.fr wrote:

>      #+BEGIN_SRC sh :var filename=(buffer-file-name) :exports both
>        wc -w $filename
>      #+END_SRC

(buffer-file-name) is evaluating the Emacs Lisp function
`buffer-file-name', which returns a string with the buffer's filename.

> I have a subtree containing just this code block:
> #+BEGIN_SRC shell :var filename=("/tmp/test.r") :exports both
>        wc -w $filename
> Upon 'C-c C-c', it gives
> : 1 /tmp/test.r
> which is what I expect.
> However, upon latex export of the subtree (C-c e l p), I get:
> org-babel-read: Invalid function: "/tmp/test.r"

Org is trying to evaluate an Emacs Lisp function, "/tmp/test.r", but
that name is invalid since it is a string and not a symbol.

You want to remove the parentheses in this case, because you are passing
a literal string, not wanting to evaluate an elisp function.

> Now, if I remove the parentheses, i.e., if I just use
> filename="/tmp/test.r" above, then it works as I expect in both cases, that
> is, there is no error during export and I do see
>   wc -w $filename
> 1 /tmp/test.r
> in the exported pdf file.
> Are the parentheses in the manual correct?  If so, what is the rationale?
> Thanks.

Yes, they manual is correct, just not relevant to your second example.


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