David Masterson <dsmaster...@icloud.com> writes:

> Forgive the repeat -- I didn't see this come up...
> I've been looking at Beamer as a way to write a slide show to help
> explain some projects to others.  Working on it, I have developed a
> number of questions that I'm not seeing answers to in the docs.
> + What is the difference between TOC and the "Outline" slide?  Are they
>   meant to be the same thing?
> + Why is my "Outline" slide blank?  Shouldn't it be picking up all the
>   "H:1" headings?  What am I missing?
> + The section on "Table of Contents" mentions the titletoc package, but
>   doesn't explain what it is or how to include it.  Is this necessary to
>   answer the previous question?
> + I think "theme" in Beamer needs more explanation -- perhaps a link to
>   even the official Beamer place to find information and sample themes?
> + Frames and Blocks are difficult concepts -- perhaps there should be a
>   link to examples in Worg to show the possibilities?  I still don't get
>   the reason for frames and blocks.  Perhaps the reference to "Beamer's
>   sectioning elements, frames, and blocks" should also link to Beamer's
>   official docs to help.
> + Basically, I think the Org Mode doc on Exporting to Beamer should have
>   a link or two to official Beamer documentation to give new users
>   something else to jump into if they want to make really good slides.

I would like to add that, in the documentation, the beamer export
commands are documented but it miss an essential point:

To have these commands in the Org export dispatcher, a user first need
to enable "org-beamer-mode".

Otherwise, the beamer export command do not appear in the export

The first time I have used the beamer export, I have read its
documentation section by section. And tried what I have read, gradually.
At this moment, I did not understand why I did not have the export
commands in the export dispatcher.

I imagine that someone, who only read the parts of the manual that he or
she need, will also have the same misunderstanding problem.

I think that a short paragraph about the need to enable
"org-beamer-mode" to access some action/features could be welcome in
related section. Like, for example, in section "13.8.1 Beamer export

If I can help on something, do not hesitate to ask.

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