Paul Stansell <> writes:

>> One weird thing in the above warning is //. Is // really what you see?
> If you mean the "//" in the following line:
> Warning (emacs): Emacs reader failed to read data in
> "~/.cache/org-persist//gc-lock.eld". The error was: "End of file during
> parsing"
> then I would say that it is what I'm really seeing as I just
> copy-and-pasted that line from my emacs window.

Ok. Another bug in `org-file-name-concat' version for Emacs 27.
It should not affect anything here though. (I fixed it now in

For the "end of file during parsing" error,
aims to fix it.

I think that the easiest way to test things would be simply trying the
latest main branch.

Note that you no longer need the manually installed patch - it has been
installed upstream already.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
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