> - someone raised the eternal question on whether to use one big Org
>   file or many small ones
>   - there are pros and cons to both ways
>   - at the end, it is up to each user workflow
>   - common arguments are listed in a dedicated wiki page

>     https://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-lookups.html

This link seems unrelated. If I'm not wrong the expected link was
https://orgmode.org/worg/topics/how-many-files.html ?

Also additionally to refer previous discussion posts on r/orgmode

>     - (feel free to add new things to that page - it is a wiki; wee
>       https://orgmode.org/worg/worg-about.html on how to contribute)

Although to add my opinion, I do maintain single big org file,
since leveraging tags and properties provide so much benefits in
filtering (sparse-tree), searching and narrowing

Thank you for conducting and providing us information on org mode.


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