Phil Estival <> writes: >> What about changing sql.el to provide the necessary flexibility? >> I'd prefer it better than rewriting parts of sql.el in Org mode. > > Gladly. Here is a proposal for patch for `sql-product-interactive' in > sql.el. A specific case for sqlite is handled and this is not 100% > satisfying. I have the feeling this should rather be where a > conversion of nil params to empty string happens, but sql.el is > rather long and the verifications required are numerous... There may > also be other db that allow connection without one these parameters... > > The previous configuration from this series of patch, with a variant > of `sql-product-interactive', would allow a nil database for a session > of sqlite, now it needs to mention an empty string for :database or to > set it as a default value in `sql-sqlite-login-params'. > ...
Thanks! May you please post the patch on Emacs bug tracker? (M-x submit-emacs-patch) and X-Debbugs-CC me? That way, we get the Emacs maintainers involved into the discussion. -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode maintainer, Learn more about Org mode at <>. Support Org development at <>, or support my work at <>