Thibaut Meyer <> writes:

> I see. I just assumed that header arguments and switches were
> "recognized" and not considered as the language if placed positionally
> first.
>> Src block without language could indeed be tangled in your case.
> That would be indeed nice...
>> However, if the :tangle value is set to something like "yes", there is
>> no way or can deduce the tangle file name.
> .. but I guess that this prevents us from supporting this use case.

Not necessarily.
The reason why src blocks without language are not tangled is simply
because of the way I fixed

I think that `org-babel-tangle-collect-blocks' can be changed to allow
tangling src blocks without language with explicitly provided tangle

It might be a good exercise if you want to submit a patch.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
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