> May animations be disabled in the slides? They are not necessary most
> of the time in the real-world presentations

Reasonable.  I'll get this supported, as well as making "peel" an option.
Peeling is currently only activated on item-reveal when :inline is t.

> <down> is way too easy to use accidentally. Why not just
>    C-x k? It is not like people need to quit frequently enough to have
>    a very simple and easy-to-reach binding just for quitting

Might need a `kill-buffer-hook' but overall, seems like another better
default.  Recently I changed <up> so that it goes to the slide at point.
It makes sense to unbind <down>.

> (I'd also add SPC DEL)

What would they do?  I know SPC is often some kind of progress, but I don't
use DEL bindings enough to know them.

> does not go back to the slide being displayed

Design-wise, there's another question:  You can only see top-level
headings.  It might be necessary to show more of the tree before trying to
support this.  To support it, I need to implement `dslide-goto` at least on
slide actions.  I don't expect that soon because of changes I need to make.

> 3. For some reason, "Every Child" slide did nothing on my side

I can't think of any reason it wouldn't work.  Are you using
non-graphical?  I can imagine that if the logic selects no animation, then
no behavior is visible, but that's just a theory.

> 4 "Todos and Tags" slide claims that

🤡.  Fixed and pushed to master.  Thanks for checking.

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