Avraham Pinkas <ampin...@gmail.com> writes:

> hello
> here is an example file
> when exporting to .odt, the resulting file (included)makes visibility in
> doc-view-mode or libreoffice get stuck (on libreoffice, the first page
> shows & libreoffice gets stuck).
> thank you
> avraham

I can also reproduce with all Org mode versions down to Org 9.4.
However, it may or may not be Org mode problem - IMHO, libreoffice being
stuck sounds like a bug in libreoffice. May you send the example .odt
file to libreoffice devs and let us know what they say?

>>> I remember that in a previous version of emacs it worked.

May you tell which version of Emacs worked for you? I tried everything
down to Emacs 27 and I am getting the same problematic export result.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
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