
> Hello.  An excerpt of the page 
> is 
> ...
>    emacs -Q -batch -eval "(progn (require 'package) (package-initialize)
>    (package-refresh-contents) (package-upgrade 'org))"
> I have used the emacs batch command above on a number of machines but it
> always failed (see below), so I guess I am doing something wrong, but what?

I suspect that it is some kind of bug in Emacs 29.
It seems that the command is only properly working in Emacs 30.

I am not sure how I overlooked the problem. Maybe forgot to test things
on older Emacs somehow.

I think that we should:
1. Remove this from Org 9.7 manual (bugfix)
2. Add a note that the one-liner requires Emacs 30 in the Org 9.8-re
   manual (main)

> Anyway, is it correct that one does not need this command to avoid the
> above mentioned interferences, provided that a single Emacs session is
> running, and in which no org file has been visited (.org or otherwise)?


Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
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