
I wrote a package called org-menu which uses transient to add a
discoverable menu to Orgmode. It's a bit of a mix of a modal editing
mode or speed commands and a Magit style hierarchical menu to find
less frequently used commands.  I'd like to start a discussion here
whether this plugin or similar functionality should be part of
Orgmode before I block the name by getting it into nongnu elpa.

See https://github.com/sheijk/org-menu for some screen shots and

Some questions:
- should this or similar functionality be part of Orgmode? At least
  the discoverability seems to be nice to have
- what about overlap of the menu bar Orgmode already has. I think
  this is a general question about transient vs. menu bars. Maybe a
  generic solution to use transient to navigate the menu bar would
  be more useful?
- should something in Orgmode also have the modal editing part
  integrated? For me that part is the most useful as I can use the
  transient for nearly all editing tasks and the move into the tasks
  for commands whose shortcuts I keep forgetting
- would this need to be made more modular and extensible so it's
  different parts could be moved into the respective Orgmode parts
  (like column view features, etc.)?

I'd be open to contributing this to Emacs/Orgmode but I'd also be
happy to keep maintaining it as a separate package. Only thing I
would like to avoid would be to strip parts of it's functionality as
then I'd need to fork my own package

Kind regards,

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