Hi Ilya,

is XHTML not XML enough?

I use the XHTML to extract snippets and their language, tags, sections,
section IDs...

The XHTML export is able to export each and every information an
Org-file can possibly contain.  All textual content and links, IDs
... are converted to valid X(HT)ML.

As XHTML export is already used a lot, why not put more energy into
improving that existing one (specification), instead of another

 XHTML => SAX-parser (e.g.) => what ever you want



Ilya Shlyakhter <ilya_...@alum.mit.edu> writes:
>> In the meantime, it would be useful to describe what kind of XML output
>> do you want, because "XML" does not really describe anything per se.
> I'm looking for XML output that would closely mirror the logical
> structure of the org file, and that would contain all the information
> in the orgfile (since it's easy to ignore the parts you don't need
> during XML processing).  So, something like
> <orgfile>
>    <entry>
>       <headline>Tasks</headline>
>       <body>Here are the tasks I need to do</body>
>       <children>
>           <entry>
>              <headline>Buy bread</headline>
>              <todo-status>DONE</todo-status>
>              <tags><tag>food</tag><tag>errands</tag></tags>
>              <properties>
>                  <property><name>Importance</name><value>1</value></property>
> <property><name>Deadline</name><value><date><day>07</day><month>08</month><year>09</year></date></value></property>
>              </properties>
>            </entry>
>         </children>
>       </entry>
>    </orgfile>
> The details of the XML schema can of course change.   But it should
> let you process org file data without having to parse any elements of
> the org file (ideally, even dates) -- it would all be parsed by
> orgmode's native parsing code and put into XML elements.
> If there are questions about how to represent specific org elements in
> XML I can try to write a more detailed spec.
> thanks,
> ilya
> On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 7:48 AM, Bastien<bastiengue...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Ilya Shlyakhter <ilya_...@alum.mit.edu> writes:
>>> That's great, thanks!  I should be able to take it from there.
>>> It would be great if at some point this became official, and also
>>> included an XML exporter and specification.
>> FYI, I'll upload a slightly improved version of org-export.el next week,
>> together with documentation on how to write an exporter.  But the basic
>> structure of the parsed buffer is the same, you can use it safely.
>> In the meantime, it would be useful to describe what kind of XML output
>> do you want, because "XML" does not really describe anything per se.
>> Best,
>> --
>>  Bastien

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