Alexander Lazarević <> writes:

> I think I looked at the source of the 9.7, if something has changed before
> sending the bug report and tried it (now again) with the latest available
> version 9.7.12 (from gnu).
> Same outcome.

What I did exactly is

0. Make sure that .emacs.d/elpa and .emacs.d/bbdb are removed
1. cd /path/to/org/git/repository
2. git checkout bugfix
3. make repro
4. Open your Org file example
5. M-x package-install bbdb
6. M-x bbdb-create Just some name RET RET ...
7. Switch to bbdb buffer, i, anniversary y, 1998-10-16 RET
8. Switch to Org buffer
9. M-x org-agenda < a
10. Observe the record in the agenda

What happens if you repeat my steps exactly?

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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