
> Yesterday I re-exported an old pdf file with the new orgmode 9.7, I
> discovered a difference in the styling or the template compared to
> what it was in orgmode 9.6

I do not recall such changes.

> I could be wrong and maybe the change was on my side, but I doubt
> because I use debian stable, and I did not change almost anything on
> the base system, the only thing I did is to upgrade from emacs 29 to
> emacs 30 one week ago.

Maybe some of your config does not interact well with changes in Org
mode. But it is hard to say without having more information about what
exactly changed for you.

It would be nice if you provided more details on how to reproduce the
problem. You may refer to for more details on
what we expect from bug reports.

> I also would like to know if orgmode plans to change the style again
> (and if the style changes, if it is going to be noticed in the
> NEWS). Right now I am not familiar with a more deep workflow of the
> latex export, but maybe ox-latex could work with a latex template, and
> then I would realize how to use it so I am covered to reproduce the
> same PDFs independently of the orgmode version.

We try hard to not break existing setups. If we find that breaking
things is necessary, we always announce such breakage in the news.

However, because of the complex nature of Elisp configs and because of
human errors, there are bugs and oversights appearing from time to
time. We try to fix them as soon as we get to know about such problems.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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