Logging I'm doing often requires intervals to be logged with durations
beyond 24 hours. What I do for this is to start with 24 hours on the
abacus.  Then I subtract hours of first date from the 24.  Next if minutes
are greater than 0 in original time I add 60 to minutes and subtract
another hour from hours then subtract minutes from the 60 minutes.  Then I
add the hours in the next date to hours on abacus if less than 24 I add
minutes to minutes on abacus.  If only 24 hours that's all that needs to
be done.  This two part procedure continues through the last day in the
interval.  Then I check minutes and if greater than 29 I add 1 to hours
and zero out minutes.  That's the amount of hours I write in my log for
the interval.  This is going on braille paper and that's good since the
logs survived the death of my computer tower that had to be taken to the
recycler.  The log I'm doing tracks bowel changes andthe log now has 30
months of data in it.

 Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com>
 "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo.
 Please use in that order."
 Ed Howdershelt 1940.

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