
From #11 OrgMeetup content [1] I see that a date with timestamp and timezone is used:

    <2024-09-11 Wed 19:00-21:00 @+03,Europe/Istanbul>

With orgmode version 9.7.10:

1. If I try to to =C-c C-c= minibuffer says: "Not at a timestamp"; well, at least, does not try to remove the timezone part
2. Cannot change anything on it with =S-<up>= nor =S-<down>=
3. If I click the timestamp, minibuffer says: "This should not happen"
4. In the org agenda, the event appears in date 2024-09-11 and in my local time 19:00-21:00, so, no timezone calculation is done

I saw that there were some discussions about this, but nothing consolidated in the documentation, maybe, at some point, it should be here [2]

Is this something is going to arrive on 9.8 ? Is this something that only works in development version?


[1] https://list.orgmode.org/87o750dja7.fsf@localhost/T/#u
[2] https://orgmode.org/manual/Timestamps.html

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