* lisp/ox-texinfo.el (org-texinfo--@ref): Fix an incorrect assumption
that Texinfo uses node names for automatic link text.  It does not.
Instead, it uses the corresponding section title.  For example, if a
node is named `a' its section is named `A', the Org link to the node
`a' written as `[[...][xxx]]' ends up being rendered as "A", which
means the link description the Org user provided is ignored.
 lisp/ox-texinfo.el              |  2 +-
 testing/lisp/test-ox-texinfo.el | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lisp/ox-texinfo.el b/lisp/ox-texinfo.el
index 6adee9fca..2da90ca0f 100644
--- a/lisp/ox-texinfo.el
+++ b/lisp/ox-texinfo.el
@@ -1311,7 +1311,7 @@ nil."
                     "[ \t]*:+" ""
                     (replace-regexp-in-string "," "@comma{}" description)))))
-    (if (or (not title) (equal title node-name))
+    (if (not title)
        (format "@ref{%s}" node-name)
       (format "@ref{%s, , %s}" node-name title))))
diff --git a/testing/lisp/test-ox-texinfo.el b/testing/lisp/test-ox-texinfo.el
index b16a344e7..d4552459d 100644
--- a/testing/lisp/test-ox-texinfo.el
+++ b/testing/lisp/test-ox-texinfo.el
@@ -345,5 +345,34 @@ body
        (should-not (org-element-contents section))
        (should (eq first-heading (org-element-parent section)))))))
+;;; References
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/references ()
+  "Test references with manual and automatic descriptions."
+  (should
+   (org-test-with-temp-text
+       (string-join
+        (list "* A"
+              ":PROPERTIES:"
+              ":ALT_TITLE: B"
+              ":END:"
+              "[[A]]"
+              "[[A][B]]"
+              "[[A][C]]"
+              "  ....")
+        "\n")
+     (let ((export-buffer "*Test Texinfo Export*")
+           (org-export-show-temporary-export-buffer nil))
+       (org-export-to-buffer 'texinfo export-buffer
+         nil nil nil nil nil
+         #'texinfo-mode)
+       (with-current-buffer export-buffer
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (and
+          (re-search-forward "@ref{B}")
+          (re-search-forward "@ref{B, , B}")
+          (re-search-forward "@ref{B, , C}")))))))
 (provide 'test-ox-texinfo)
 ;;; test-ox-texinfo.el end here

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