> But there is nothing wrong on Org side per se, right?

I don't think so. The fact that ox-html inserts a <br> there with no way
for me as the user to disable this, in my view, bad. It's not a totally
unreasonable default, but it shouldn't be required.

> The fact that some specific suggestion...

This is an example of "motivation"; a specific concrete use-case that
actually came for the user to demonstrate that the issue is not merely

> What would be the benefit of doing this beyond fixing your personal use

Other users might also have the same use case. Either the specific thing
I'm trying to do, or just a need to generate <li> elements from headlines
without auto-inserting <br> elements for any other purpose.

> Also, you can always use p > a CSS selector. What's wrong with that?

As a user, I would like to be able to apply a css selector to the elements
in question

0. With extremely high confidence that I am selecting _only_ the specific
<br> elements which org is auto-inserting in this case

1. Without having to do much understanding of the way org generates html
exports, or much thinking in general.

It did turn out that in the case of my specific document (which was pretty
simple), the selector `ul.org-ul li br` did in fact select only those
elements. But was this guaranteed? Even for arbitrarily complex documents?
Maybe, but proving this requires way more thinking than makes sense to me.
Much easier to just tag those elements with a class. Especially since we
already add classes like `.org-ul`.

On Sun, Sep 1, 2024 at 9:30 AM Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> wrote:

> Daniel Radetsky <dradet...@gmail.com> writes:
> > So I was exporting an Org doc to html the other day, and I was trying to
> > follow this guide to make the list elements appear as a comma-separated
> list
> >
> > https://markheath.net/post/css-comma-separated-list
> >
> > It didn't work, and I discovered this was because Org adds a <br> element
> > to the <li> element if the <li> element is created from an Org headline
> > element.
> But there is nothing wrong on Org side per se, right? The fact that some
> specific suggestion from the internet did not work for a specific
> HTML that happened to be created by Org mode, does not mean that we need
> to fix Org mode. Unless the change you suggest may benefit many Org
> users, of course.
> > ... The easiest way to fix this and allow the aforementioned guide to
> > work is by ensuring that all those <br> elements have `display: none` set
> > via CSS. To make this easier and/or reduce the risk of accidentally
> > removing other elements, we can add a class name to those <br>'s the way
> we
> > do to other elements.
> What would be the benefit of doing this beyond fixing your personal use
> case?
> For other Org users.
> Also, you can always use p > a CSS selector. What's wrong with that?
> --
> Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
> Org mode contributor,
> Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
> Support Org development at <https://liberapay.com/org-mode>,
> or support my work at <https://liberapay.com/yantar92>

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