From: Rudolf Adamkovic <>

* etc/ORG-NEWS (Texinfo exporter now supports numeric =toc= values in
=#+OPTIONS:=): Announce the new feature.
* lisp/ox.el (org-export-excluded-from-toc-p): Return nil for all
headlines that are above the `toc' value in export `#+OPTIONS'.
* testing/lisp/test-ox-texinfo.el
(test-ox-texinfo/headings-and-table-of-contents): Add a test.
 etc/ORG-NEWS                    | 12 ++++++
 lisp/ox.el                      |  6 ++-
 testing/lisp/test-ox-texinfo.el | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/etc/ORG-NEWS b/etc/ORG-NEWS
index 392788055..f93776754 100644
--- a/etc/ORG-NEWS
+++ b/etc/ORG-NEWS
@@ -77,6 +77,18 @@ You can now create links to =shortdoc= documentation groups 
for Emacs
 Lisp functions (see =M-x shortdoc-display-group=).  Requires Emacs 28
 or newer.
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+*** Texinfo exporter now supports numeric =toc= values in =#+OPTIONS:=
+For example, given =H:3= and =toc:2= in =#+OPTIONS:=, all headings at
+the 1st and 2nd level appear in the table of contents and those at the
+3rd level do not.  The latter will be instead exported as if they had
+the =UNNUMBERED= property set to =notoc=, that is using the Texinfo
+command given in the =unnumbered-no-toc-3= list position of the
+=org-texinfo-classes= variable, as documented.
+>>>>>>> ox-texinfo: Support numeric values of `toc' in `#+OPTIONS'
 ** New and changed options
 # Chanes deadling with changing default values of customizations,
diff --git a/lisp/ox.el b/lisp/ox.el
index 7a0ab4dc7..acc535f72 100644
--- a/lisp/ox.el
+++ b/lisp/ox.el
@@ -5625,7 +5625,11 @@ contents.  However, it is useful if some additional 
processing is
 required on headlines excluded from table of contents."
   (or (org-element-property :footnote-section-p headline)
       (org-export-low-level-p headline info)
-      (equal "notoc" (org-export-get-node-property :UNNUMBERED headline t))))
+      (equal "notoc" (org-export-get-node-property :UNNUMBERED headline t))
+      (let ((toc-depth (plist-get info :with-toc)))
+        (and (wholenump toc-depth)
+             (> (org-element-property :level headline)
+                toc-depth)))))
 (defun org-export-toc-entry-backend (parent &rest transcoders)
   "Return an export backend appropriate for table of contents entries.
diff --git a/testing/lisp/test-ox-texinfo.el b/testing/lisp/test-ox-texinfo.el
index b16a344e7..e2bacd4d9 100644
--- a/testing/lisp/test-ox-texinfo.el
+++ b/testing/lisp/test-ox-texinfo.el
@@ -345,5 +345,71 @@ body
        (should-not (org-element-contents section))
        (should (eq first-heading (org-element-parent section)))))))
+;;; Headings and table of contents
+(ert-deftest test-ox-texinfo/headings-and-table-of-contents ()
+  "Test headings with regards to table of contents."
+  (should
+   (org-test-with-temp-text
+       (string-join
+        (list "#+OPTIONS: h:2 toc:1 num:nil"
+              "* Level 1"
+              "** Level 1-1"
+              "*** Level 1-1-1"
+              "*** Level 1-1-2"
+              "** Level 1-2"
+              "*** Level 1-2-1"
+              "*** Level 1-2-2"
+              "* Level 2"
+              "** Level 2-1"
+              "*** Level 2-1-1"
+              "*** Level 2-1-2"
+              "** Level 2-2"
+              "*** Level 2-2-1"
+              "*** Level 2-2-2")
+        "\n")
+     (let ((export-buffer "*Test Texinfo Export*")
+           (org-export-show-temporary-export-buffer nil))
+       (org-export-to-buffer 'texinfo export-buffer
+         nil nil nil nil nil
+         #'texinfo-mode)
+       (with-current-buffer export-buffer
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (and
+          (re-search-forward "^@menu$")
+          (re-search-forward "^* Level 1::$")
+          (re-search-forward "^* Level 2::$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@detailmenu$")
+          (re-search-forward "^Level 1$")
+          (re-search-forward "^* Level 1-1::$")
+          (re-search-forward "^* Level 1-2::$")
+          (re-search-forward "^Level 2$")
+          (re-search-forward "^* Level 2-1::$")
+          (re-search-forward "^* Level 2-2::$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@node Level 1$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@unnumbered Level 1$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@menu$")
+          (re-search-forward "^* Level 1-1::$")
+          (re-search-forward "^* Level 1-2::$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@heading Level 1-1$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@anchor{Level 1-1-1}Level 1-1-1$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@anchor{Level 1-1-2}Level 1-1-2$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@heading Level 1-2$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@anchor{Level 1-2-1}Level 1-2-1$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@anchor{Level 1-2-2}Level 1-2-2$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@node Level 2$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@unnumbered Level 2$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@menu$")
+          (re-search-forward "^* Level 2-1::$")
+          (re-search-forward "^* Level 2-2::$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@heading Level 2-1$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@anchor{Level 2-1-1}Level 2-1-1$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@anchor{Level 2-1-2}Level 2-1-2$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@anchor{Level 2-2}$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@heading Level 2-2$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@anchor{Level 2-2-1}Level 2-2-1$")
+          (re-search-forward "^@anchor{Level 2-2-2}Level 2-2-2$")))))))
 (provide 'test-ox-texinfo)
 ;;; test-ox-texinfo.el end here

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