Hi Ihor, Rudolf,
* Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> [2023-10-14; 09:01 GMT]:
> Rudolf Adamkovič <salu...@me.com> writes:
>>> What about [[Link][link]]?
>> That makes Org documents hard to read in *plain text*, that is without
>> the "descriptive links" fontification.  Here is my note again, compare:
>> EXAMPLE 1: Hard-to-read, unhelpful markup:
>>   The set of [[Cellular membrane][cellular membrane]]-bound
>>   [[Organelle][organelle]]s inside of the [[Eukaryotic cell][eukaryotic
>>   cell]] that work together on the synthesis and distribution of
>>   [[Protein][protein]]s and [[Lipid][lipid]]s.
>> EXAMPLE 2: Lightweight, helpful markup:
>>   The set of [[cellular membrane]]-bound [[organelle]]s inside of the
>>   [[eukaryotic cell]] that work together on the synthesis and
>>   distribution of [[protein]]s and [[lipid]]s.
> Note that there is generally no guarantee that [[name]] link will be
> exported as "name" by any particular backend. Your workaround with
> num:nil is just a workaround that may or may not work in future.

actually this workaround does /not/ work
around if [link] does not point to a
heading but to a direct target <<link>>,
which is my usage scenario.

I asked in [1] for exporting [[link]] to
be exported (at least in HTML, PDF, ODT,
IMHO in any case) to a link rendered as
"link" not as a number.  In case of a
numbered heading/object it should render
as the heading/object, e.g. "5. link" if
the heading/object is the fifth.

My reasoning is similar to Rudolfs plea
for case-insensitive links: typing
[[link]] is so much easier and better to
read, than my workaround [[link][link]],
which renders as "link" (at least in
HTML export).

    As a side note: ASCII export might be
    tricky, though.  ATM this:
        #+LANGUAGE:    en
        These are three links: [[cat]], [[flower]], [[heast][heast]].
        - <<cat>> Cat :: An animal.
        - <<flower>> Flower :: a plant.
        - <<heast>> Heast :: We don't know, used for baking and brewing.
    exports as UTF text to:
        These are three links: 1, 2, [heast].
              An animal.
              a plant.
              We don't know, used for baking and brewing.
        [heast] Unknown reference

    Which is not that helpful.

    Thinking about it, it might be
    helpful, if there was an option to
    export "<<target>>" as "target" (in
    all export backends).

Regards, Gregor

[1] https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/87plq3nslb....@no.lan/

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