
 I can implement everything now with your changes, but not exactly in
the way you propose:

Am Mittwoch, den 24. Juli 2024 um 10:20:16 Uhr (+0000) schrieb Ihor Radchenko:
> I believe that my changes should allow you to implement multipage export
> in the following way:
> 1. You can use :filter-parse-tree in ox-html backend to replace the
>    original (org-data ...) AST with a list of ((org-page ...)
>    (org-page ...) ...) pseudo-elements and populate INFO channel
>    with auxiliary information you now compute in
>    `org-html-process-multipage'

:filter-parse-tree kicks in before
`org-export--collect-tree-properties' adds the headline-numbering,
which needs to be present before the multipage code can do its work.

I can do everything in `org-html-transcode-org-data' (processing the parse-tree
and transcoding to lists), but it is semantically not as clean as you
propose with org-page pseudo-elements.

I see 3 options:

1. I just finish it doing everything in `org-html-transcode-org-data'.

2. We change the order of `org-export--collect-tree-properties' and
   the call to :filter-parse-tree in ox.el, but that might be breaking
   other backends.

3. Add another filter function property to be called after
   `org-export--collect-tree-properties' has been executed



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