Daniel Clemente <n142...@gmail.com> writes:

> But org-crypt still feels strange. For instance, I decrypt a header,
> add a space somewhere else and save. It's saved, but the header is
> still visibly unencrypted in Emacs; that's unexpected, because
> org-crypt-use-before-save-magic promised to „automatically encrypt
> entries before a file is saved to disk“.
> I checked the file from outside Emacs and I see that the header is
> actually encrypted, so technically it did what it promised to do
> though I don't see it in Emacs.
> So there's a discordance between what I see and what is saved. Maybe
> it's feature, not a bug: „you still see the decrypted contents but you
> can trust that when they're saved they'll be saved encrypted“. This
> may be clarified in the docstring. If it's a feature, I think it may
> be useful; I just don't like having to trust that the silent
> background-auto-encryption is working (I'll often want to verify the
> file from outside Emacs). But users may have different preferences.
> This may be material for another thread.

Yup, I consider this as a feature. Especially for people using
auto-save-visited-mode and similar. If saving is triggered on timer,
while editing encrypted heading, encrypting everything in the middle of
typing is not fun.

> Minor thing, not important now: the cursor jumps to the end of the
> header after a C-x C-s when in the middle of a currently-decrypted
> block without changes.

Should be better now on the latest version of the branch.

> Another minor thing: I use a key that calls
> (org-save-all-org-buffers), and if I press it e.g. from the *scratch*
> buffer it may ask me the „Passphrase for symmetric encryption“
> question (because I edited some crypted section) but I don't know
> which buffer it's asking about. But it's not a problem because if I
> press C-g then I'll see it.

Should also be better now.

> I see a new problem: with (org-crypt-use-before-save-magic) enabled, I
> edit a decrypted section, press C-x C-s to save and it asks me for the
> encryption password. Here, if I press C-g, org-crypt would catch it
> and then tell me that it won't be able to encrypt due to the C-g.
> However I'm not pressing C-g, what I'm doing is opening another TTY
> frame (I'm running TTY emacsclient, with no X support, but under
> urxvt); this makes the minibuffer disappear, and I see „Back to top
> level“, and the whole contents of the section being encrypted are
> lost.

I tried to reproduce with the latest version of the branch. Seems to
work fine. May you test?

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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