On 08/07/2024 19:56, András Simonyi wrote:
What I've been arguing for in this thread and what motivates the current default behavior is that it is a general, style-independent CSL assumption that the processor's input for title fields is in sentence-case, and this requires converting the BibLaTeX title fields in title-case to sentence-case before feeding into the CSL processor independently of the style -- please refer to my email dated 14 May for further details and the references therein.
András, in https://list.orgmode.org/d8b1b73f-6b4e-4946-8873-748f78e19...@gmail.com I tried to ask if it is possible to determine if a specific CSL style uses title or sentence case. I believe that without "independently of the style" requirement behavior may be more convenient for users.
Consider a user who have .bib files following BibTeX recommendations: title case with hints where capital letters should be preserved during conversion to sentence case. Their is preparing a couple of papers. One journal requires StyleT with title case, another one StyleS with sentence case. If citeproc may determine what kind of capitalization is used by each style then it performs transformation to sentence case for StyleS, but passes strings as is for StyleT. Conversion to title case for StyleT is applied, but has no effect.
I can not figure out what user case is not covered and requires explicit setting.
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