Dear list,

In my org-roam setup, I want to document information about individuals. To do this, I created an org file named ``, which contains two top-level headings: `* Overview` and `* Persons`.

Under the `* Persons` heading, I intend to list all individuals. I've created a template that allows me to add people from any other file using e.g. `C-c n r i`. This template also facilitates the creation of new person entries on the fly, and ideally, it should add a link to the person entry in the file I am currently working in.

While the template functions as expected in creating new person entries, the link generated points to the ID of the `` file rather than the newly created person entry. How can I adjust my template so that it correctly links to the new person's entry instead of the ID of the `` file?

Here is my template:
  (setq org-roam-capture-templates
        '(("p" "person" entry
           "** %^{Name|${title}}
 :ID:          %(org-id-uuid)
 :ROLE:        %^{ROLE}
           :target (file+olp "" ("Persons"))
           :unnarrowed 1

My system:

system     MacOS 14.5 Darwin 23.5.0 arm64 mac
emacs      29.1 EMACSDIR=~/.config/emacs/

doom 3.0.0-pre PROFILE=_@0 HEAD -> master a99c6b90 2024-06-23 17:15:51 -0400

Org mode version 9.8 (9.8-??-39272e216

Thanks, Lukas

(Note: I also asked this question on

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