On 21/05/2024 23:24, Jim Porter wrote:
On 5/21/2024 3:32 AM, Max Nikulin wrote:
On 20/05/2024 09:33, Jim Porter wrote:
+++ b/lisp/org.el
+(require 'thingatpt)

So it becomes hard dependency. However it seems thingatpt is anyway loaded through some indirect dependency.

Probably through ol-eww.

I do not use ol-eww, so I do not have it in org-modules. The reason is

    #+begin_src sql

intended just to have a code example with syntax highlighting. It causes loading of sql.el that may call `thing-at-point-looking-at' from `sql-read-table-name'.

I have no idea concerning opinion of developers, but I would prefer to have loading of libraries like thingatpt on demand.

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