Protesilaos Stavrou <> writes: >> See the attached tentative patch. > >> [... 144 lines elided] > > Thank you! I just tried it. I encountered two problems with it, which I > am addressing with the two attached patches (feel free to modify as > needed). In short: > > 1. The footnote definitions at the bottom of the file were still using > the ordinal HTML id, which did not correspond to the href with the > label. > > 2. If the file had a mixture of labeled and anonymous/unlabeled > footnotes, then the export would break as it would be passing a nil > value to 'string-to-number'. > > Please let me know how to proceed.
Applied, onto main, after squashing the patches together. Handled. -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode contributor, Learn more about Org mode at <>. Support Org development at <>, or support my work at <>