Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes:

> :noweb yes <<< >>> is actually backwards-incompatible. Consider
> third-party code that makes assumptions about possible values of
> :noweb
> header argument. If third-party code does a check like
> (equal noweb-value "yes"), the new syntax can break such code.

I kinda disagree with your reasoning but I agree with your conclusion.
I think it would be strange for third party or user configuration to
parse the value of a noweb header argument directly.  Org provides a
lublic api for this which should be backwards compatible:

  (org-babel-noweb-p (nth 2 (org-babel-get-src-block-info t)) :tangle)

However, other parsers besides Emacs exist for Org mode and they may
directly compare the entire noweb argument.

The middle way is to create just one new header arg:

:noweb-wrap <start> [end]

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