On Wed, Jan 24, 2024, at 23:02, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> What is the value of `default-directory' if you run the following from
> Org git folder?
> emacs -Q --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path (concat
> default-directory "lisp"))' --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path (concat
> default-directory "testing"))' -l org -f org-version --eval "(setq
> debug-on-error t debug-on-signal nil debug-on-quit nil
> org-element--cache-self-verify 'backtrace
> org-element--cache-self-verify-frequency 1.0
> org-element--cache-map-statistics t)" &
in that case, it works, `default-directory' is the Org git folder, `load-path'
has been correctly set and the Org that has been loaded is from the git repo.
Alexandre Avanian